Social Commerce at Scale

Your one-stop guide to the new world of selling

Whitepaper / 2022

As more and more consumers embrace digital, eCommerce and social media channels, brands need to ask themselves if they are keeping pace with the current state of customer purchasing journeys.

But recognising that the landscape has changed isn’t enough on its own. With new social channels and new ways of communication emerging at breakneck speeds, marketers need to take advantage of these emerging trends early and aggressively.

One vehicle that seems poised to help marketers navigate this shifting landscape is a smart social commerce strategy, which takes advantage of both the growing rise of social media and eCommerce adoption across Asia.

To help you better understand why and how social commerce can become an even more powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, Celtra is proud to present a comprehensive White Paper on exactly that topic: Social Commerce at Scale: Your guide to the new world of selling.

Download this White Paper if you want:

  • A comprehensive view of the current Social Commerce landscape
  • A holistic overview of the best platforms for Social Commerce
  • A full breakdown of rising trends in Social Commerce
  • Tips on overcoming common Social Commerce challenges
  • Views and opinions on Social Commerce from leading brands like Charles & Keith, DIGI, Puma and Unilever

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