Hong Kong’s Evolving Digital Media Landscape
Guide / 2022
The impact of COVID-19 led to some of the most drastic changes to the way companies and consumers behave and interact in the digital media landscape. Not only did the pandemic accelerate digital adoption, it affected media consumption habits, social-communication trends, time on devices, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The Hong Kong digital media landscape is no exception to this, and in order to keep pace with these dynamic changes, brands and organisations need to react fast whilst developing new practices to stay one step ahead of the game.
To help you make sense of the current trends shaping digital consumer behaviour in Hong Kong, Meltwater has prepared a comprehensive guide on Hong Kong’s Evolving Digital Media Landscape.
Download this resource if you want to:
- Get up to speed on today’s digital consumer and behaviour trends in Hong Kong
- Find out which social media channels are dominating Hong Kong’s digital landscape
- Explore successful Case Studies on the rise of shoppertainment and KOLs
- Get insight into frameworks brands are implementing to keep up with the current digital landscape
- Learn strategies for boosting sales through the use of KOLs and translating performance in action
- Understand the impact and strategy behind the New Economy (Metaverse, NFT Marketing)
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